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This design is from a collection of pressed plants I have gathered in the Pacific Northwest.

Each tote is an original photographic print made with the cyanotype method. Each tote is unique with slight variation as this is a hand-printed process.

Cyanotypes were invented in 1842 and was one of the earliest photographic methods. It was made famous by Anna Atkins who photographed and published plant specimens known as much for their beauty as scientific value.

Handmade by Beth Bates in her Brooklyn, NY studio and darkroom.

100% Certified Organic lightweight (6 oz) cotton canvas

Tote size: 14″ x 14″

Handle Drop Length: 10″

Weight: 3 oz

Care instructions : cold wash

SKU: atkins-esq-fern-cyanotype-tote Category: Tags: , , , , , ,

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